Five Outdoor Fire Safety Tips to Follow This Summer

Unlike its cold counterpart, summer is the season of shedding the confines of your home to enjoy the world beyond your front door. Part of doing so means hanging out with friends around a flaming blaze of glory in the great outdoors.

There are many reasons to build a fire outside: It powers your barbeque grill, it warms your outdoor fire pits, it is the essence of a bond fire, and it provides the perfect setting to tell scary stories while out camping in the wilderness.

Regardless of what brought you outside to stoke up a fire, it’s critical that you follow these important outdoor fire safety tips…

1. Avoid Building a Fire on Extremely Windy Days

Any fire needs oxygen in order to survive; this is a common fact. When the air around a fire begins to pick up speed, however, a gentle flame can quickly turn into an erupting inferno, twisting and growing into something much larger and much too wild to control. As a result, you should only burn an outdoor fire on days where the air is calm.

2. Be Cautious of Drought Season

Summers in St. Louis are notorious for causing periods of droughts. During these times, it is best to avoid burning a fire altogether. If you must, though, remain hyper-vigilant of your outdoor burning area. Make sure your grill or pit is as far away from dried grass and leaves as possible, and monitor the flame constantly.

3. Choose the Right Lighter Fluid

Depending on the type of fire you are building and the materials you are using to get the job done, most fires can begin with just a match and some kindling. If you must use a fire accelerant, make sure you use only certified lighter fluid. Never use other flammable substances, like gasoline or kerosene, to get your fire going.

4. Stay in Control of the Fire

Although this one may seem like a given, it’s important to remember how devastating a simple campfire can become. To ensure you are always in control, actively avoid putting too many logs on your fire, over-doing the lighter fluid, and above all else, never leave your fire unattended.

5. Always Have a Gallon of Water Nearby

Throughout the season, there may be times when your outdoor fire doesn’t behave as intended: it may become too large or blow in the wrong direction, instantly transforming a relaxing evening into a war zone of devastation.

Because these moments are unpredictable, you should always keep at least one gallon of water near your outdoor fire. This way, you can quickly extinguish the blaze – or at least gain control of it – if it gets out of hand.
