Not everyone has the time to lend a hand to the causes they are passionate about. This especially goes for small businesses that almost never have a moment of spare time. But lending a hand, or finding the means to donate to a charity is important for your business in so many ways.
I have had great success working with a few organizations close to us, and feel it’s so important to give to a cause annually. But first, it’s beneficial to understand some of the reasons that donating time and/or money to an organization is not only kind, but also a sound investment for the community and your company itself. A few reasons why I believe that businesses should donate time and/or money to charity:
Of course there is also the PR benefits to donating your energies to the charities, but I find the service to others offer a greater reward to my business. It also helps me to put the trials and tribulations of running a business into perspective. These are some of the practices and ideals that I have built into my company, Clean Sweep Chimney Service. I believe in giving back to the community and I would like to help others give back as well. Make it a resolution this year to pick a charity of choice and get involved in giving back! |