Why Businesses Should Donate to Charity

Not everyone has the time to lend a hand to the causes they are passionate about. This especially goes for small businesses that almost never have a moment of spare time. But lending a hand, or finding the means to donate to a charity is important for your business in so many ways.

I have had great success working with a few organizations close to us, and feel it’s so important to give to a cause annually. But first, it’s beneficial to understand some of the reasons that donating time and/or money to an organization is not only kind, but also a sound investment for the community and your company itself.

A few reasons why I believe that businesses should donate time and/or money to charity:

  • Volunteering can set an excellent example for employees, customers and the community at large. I believe it is important to give back in the area in which we all live and work as it strengthens community. Giving back is built into our company values and it raised the overall morale for the team, knowing we make a difference in ways both big and small.
  • Companies can choose not only to donate money, but also time and expertise. When we volunteer as a group it creates non-working bonding time for our employees and many times acts as a great team building exercise.
  • It creates a networking opportunity. You never know who you are going to meet in your community! By connecting with an organization through donation or spending time at a local charity, you instantly increase your local connections with other people who live and work in your community.
  • It is fulfilling to give back and help an important cause. You can get wrapped up in your own business and small world so quickly! It does wonders to think outside your company and give back. At the end of the day it feels good to know you made a difference.

Of course there is also the PR benefits to donating your energies to the charities, but I find the service to others offer a greater reward to my business. It also helps me to put the trials and tribulations of running a business into perspective. These are some of the practices and ideals that I have built into my company, Clean Sweep Chimney Service. I believe in giving back to the community and I would like to help others give back as well. Make it a resolution this year to pick a charity of choice and get involved in giving back!
